body contouring treatment

body contouring treatment

Breast Implant Infection: While rare, it can occur near or around an implant. Because antibiotics are often ineffective, it is common to require a transplant surgery.

How to deal with liposuction

Trauma. Your breasts could shift if you are in an accident, or another incident that has a severe impact on your life.



Three months following ultra-high definition liposuction on the abdomen and flanks, this 31-year old female is now showing signs of skin contracting with Renuvion J Plasma treatment.

As we age, our skin loses its rigidity. However, the benefits of liposuction can last as long as your weight remains stable. If you lose weight after liposuction, your fat distribution could change. This is true regardless of which region you are tackling. You may also build fat around the stomach.

Brazilian butt lifting should be able to last for many years. However, if you have any problems, your surgeon might need to perform the procedure again. The implantation site of fat is crucial for ensuring the best survival rate, as it does not possess an intrinsic blood supply.

SurgiSculpt liposuction

The procedure removes small pockets of fat in any area of the body. The doctor will insert a microcannula in the area to loosen and suction the fat cells. Certain liposuction techniques use ultrasound, radiofrequency or laser energy to dissolve fat and then suction it out. It is less invasive than some other procedures, but it does require a period of recovery.

Imaging is necessary to detect silicone breast implant ruptures. The cohesiveness of newer silicone implants helps to prevent their contents from leaving protective capsules. However, ruptures of older saline implant pose less risk for a woman's safety.

Sometimes, malpositioned implants may be moved by your surgeon and repositioned in an early stage. However, surgery is often required to position them properly.

SurgiSculpt liposuction
SurgiSculpt BBL

SurgiSculpt BBL

4D liposuction is a high-definition procedure that shows anatomically correct muscle positions and shapes in active and static states. To enhance muscle tone, 4D liposuction should use fat cell reduction. Dynamic states describe how muscles move in continuous motion and aren't static entities. Modern technology has allowed for the creation of dynamic, anatomically-correct muscle shapes in the buttocks, abdomen, and chest muscles.

The procedure replaces fat cells from the buttocks with fat, however most fat transferred cannot survive. Final result: A failed BBL after and before. You can lose 60% to 70% of your BBL volume within six months after an Airsculpt BBL. Although it may not immediately be apparent, you will lose volume to your butt over the course of your recovery. Because immune cells need to clear away dead cells, the body will take six to one year for BBL to be absorbed. The procedure to remove most of the fat cells will occur following your Airscuplt-BBL. These dead cells will be eliminated over the course of six to twelve months, and your buttock volume will decrease.

Male's gluteus muscle contour and the overlying gluteus contour should be reminiscent of a butterfly, with lower and upper wings separated by well-defined lateral depressions. The fat is grafted cheek to the gluteus medius by fat-grafting the upper buttocks wing into the gluteus. This wraps around your upper lateral hip, buttocks, and lower wing towards the lower buttocks. The result is a more squared appearance to the buttocks.

SurgiSculpt lipo

If you have breast augmentation, and now want to remove your implants or scar capsule, then you are not the only one. You may need to have your implant removed for medical reasons, or for a new size and shape.

SurgiSculpt lipo
SurgiSculpt breast implant
SurgiSculpt breast implant

Liposuction, a surgery that removes excess fat and alters the contours of the body's shape, is called liposuction. It creates a pleasing shape but is not meant to be a weight loss treatment. Instead, it eliminates excess fat that doesn't disappear through diet and exercise.

Explant surgery is an option for a breast-augmentation patient.

The possibilities of high-definition liposuction are endless. What is the secret to this?

body contouring treatment
SurgiSculpt tummy tuck

Although breast implants have an expected shelf life of between 15 and 20 years, there are no guarantees. While you might not have to take them out, implants with aging tend to develop complications such as ruptures, hardening tissue, and leaking.

Brazilian Butt Lift with Fat Transfer (BBL).

Sometimes, it may be necessary for the skin to be stretched to accommodate the implants. A plastic surgeon or cosmetic surgeon who has extensive training in reconstructive procedures is required to perform this skin stretching.

SurgiSculpt tummy tuck